Copyright Guide


Copyright is the exclusive right of the author to his work. Greek legislation regarding the copyright and intellectual property of a creator for a work, a study, a research, etc., L.2121 / 1993 recognizes two rights, the moral and the property right. The moral right inseparably connects the creation of the work with its creator, the property right concerns the economic value of a work and its commercial exploitation. In order to serve special cases for educational purposes or for social reasons (eg People with special needs) Law 2121/1993 recognizes restrictions on the Intellectual Property Rights of authors.

Below is detailed information on copyright regarding the use of electronic resources / subscriptions of the Library and Information Center of ASPΕTE, HEAL-Link as well as the photocopying of printed material of the Library.

Use of electronic sources

HEAL-Link Subscriptions: “It is prohibited to systematically store or print the entire contents of the issues of the electronic magazines available through the HEAL Link Services. It is pointed out that the use of the above Services is allowed only to users of the Institutions-members of the Network of Greek Academic Libraries, for their personal educational, teaching or research needs only. Any violation of the above terms or any other form of abuse of these Services will mean very serious sanctions for the users and the Institution to which they belong “(HEAL Link announcement that accompanies any attempt to access its resources).
HEAL-Legal. Legal advisory service for intellectual property issues
IFLA.Copyright Limitations and Exceptions for Libraries & Archives

For private use

The members of the Library & Information Center of ASPAITE, if they need to photocopy printed material of the Library, must be informed about the protection of intellectual property and respect the conditions set by the Greek legislation L.2121 / 1993.

Επομένως, επιτρέπεται η φωτοτυπική αναπαραγωγή υλικού προστατευμένου από πνευματικά δικαιώματα χωρίς την άδεια του δημιουργού μόνο για ιδιωτική χρήση και μόνο για τμήματα ενός έργου (βιβλίο, άρθρο, διατριβή, κ.ά.).
Η αναπαραγωγή ολόκληρου βιβλίου χωρίς την άδεια του δημιουργού και του εκδότη, δεν υπάρχει στο πεδίο εφαρμογής του Ν. 2121/1993 (αρθρ.198)ακόμα κι αν αυτό γίνεται από τον ίδιο το χρήστη ή αν γίνεται για ιδιωτική χρήση.

More about Intellectual Property:
1. Intellectual Property Organization
2. Legal Advisory Service for Intellectual Property Issues concerning the Greek Academic Institutions – HEAL-Legal:
HEAL-Legal. Legal advisory service for intellectual property issues
IFLA.Copyright Limitations and Exceptions for Libraries & Archives