

Podcasting is a service available to users that allows them to listen to a conversation whenever they request it (respectively when video is supported it is called vidcasting or video podcasting, videocasting, and vodcasting). The term radio has been misinterpreted to describe a podcast as podcasts are digital files rather than radio waves, and unlike radio they are time consuming, and do not require expensive equipment. Podcasts can be created by anyone with a microphone, recording software, and internet connection. There are also many videocasts and podcasts created by organizations such as the BBC and Deutsche Welle.

It was first mentioned in 2004 in an article by Ben Hammersley in the Guardian. The term “podcast” is a derivative of the iPod (i: internet, pod: handrail, pea shell), a portable music device from Apple and broadcast. While it is clear and commonly accepted that the term refers to Apple’s copyrighted iPod, to avoid copyright issues the podcast is also called Personal On Demand broadCAST. Adam Curry, the creator of the popular podcatcher’s iPodder software, calls himself a “podfather” and has become known for falsifying podcasting articles on the English Wikipedia, which he has been trying to claim. he was the first producer. In fact, although it has helped develop podcasting, it was not the first podcaster.

Ways of broadcasting podcasts

Its function is as follows: The producer records his shows and uploads them to the Internet (usually in MP3 or M4A format) – on his web server or in an online file such as the Internet Archive – from where users can download it and listen to it whenever they want. Blogs are usually used to automatically stream podcasts (which is why podcasts are sometimes referred to as “audioblogs”), which contain articles with links to the audio file.

There are podcatchers, ie programs that receive podcasts. They use the RSS feeds of blogs commonly used for podcasts, and find the audio file, which they download automatically. Users can also transfer it to a mobile phone or audio player and listen to it anywhere, anytime.

Podcasts equipment

  • Microphone – you need a good microphone to keep the sound clear.
  • Pop microphone filters to keep your voice clear.
  • Program – an audio editing program. Audacity is free and easy to use for beginners.
  • Internet connection

Creating podcasts

To create a podcast, the text we want to record must be ready and we must have calculated the recording time.

With specialized Podcasts software, we are given the opportunity to test our sound and speech until we get to the performance of a good recording.

Free podcasting software: