According to the announcement of the Ministry of Education and Religions and the Joint Ministerial Decision for the Operation of Higher Education Institutions  and measures to avoid the spread of coronavirus COVID-19 during the academic year 2021-2022 (No. 119847 / ΓΔ6 / 23.9.2021 (Government Gazette Β΄4406 / 24.09.2021 and Issue Β΄4441 / 25.09.2021), the Library & Information Center of ASPAITE operates based on the instructions of EODY and the relevant circulars on the observance of all protection measures .

From Monday, November 1, 2021, taking the measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19, the Library & Information Center of ASPΕTE will operate live following the following procedures based on the instructions of EODY and the relevant circulars on compliance with all protection measures.

1)Access to the ASPΕTE Library is allowed to all members of the ASPΕTE Academic Community and to external users observing the following:

  • The use of a mask for the reading public and the staff is mandatory in the Reading Room and in all common areas of the Library.
  • Observance of the protection measures and the foreseen distances of 1.5 meter.
  • Library members must adhere to personal hygiene measures and use antiseptic.
  • Upon Admission to the Library, the following is required: a) Vaccination Certificate or b) Disease Certificate or c) Confirmation of a negative diagnostic result of rapid molecular tests (rapid – test) or molecular method of analysis (PCR test).

2) Operation of the Library and its Services:

The opening hours of the Library for the public are daily:
Monday to Thursday 09:00 – 20:00 and Friday 09:00 – 19:00

Reading room:
a) the study area is open and the seats are available to the public keeping the distances between the users (1.5 – 2 meters),
b) the PC area is open with free access to the public using the Library Computers or Personal Laptops, also the seats are available keeping the distances between the users (1.5 -2 meters).

  • For new members of the Library the registration can be done with your Academic ID and the application given in the Library.
  • ONLY Academic Identity is required for registered members.
  • The circulation of the material (book lending – return and renewal of books) will be done live, without an appointment.
  • Borrowing will be done either by sending an electronic request or on the spot at the Library.
  • The Certificates of the students for the “non-debt of books” will be sent electronically to the respective Secretariats of the Departments of ASPΕTE.

The operation of the Library may change according to the epidemiological data, in case of any change there will be an update.

For any information or request contact by phone at 2102896747, 2102896786, 2102896979, 2102896983, 2102896788, and electronically